
BOC makes big stride in digitalization

September 14, 2023 People's Journal 263 views

THE Planning and Systems Development Service (PSDS) of the Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG) has successfully passed the two-day internal management system audit conducted by the Interim Internal Quality Management System Office (IIQMSO) on September 6 – 7, 2023, at the Bureau of Customs Central Office.

This marks a significant step towards their journey to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 certification as the MISTG strives to improve the quality of its internal management system with the goal of achieving 100% digitalization of all customs processes in accordance with one of Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio’s 5-Point Priority Programs, which is Digitalization of Customs Processes.

The two-day audit was attended by the whole PSDS management and employees, led by its Service Director, Director Jeoffrey C. Tacio, CESO IV, along with the chiefs of System Development Division (SDD) and Planning and Management Information Division (PMID), Liberty Plana and Patrick Errol C. Espallardo.