ATeacher Party List reaches out to farmers, teachers, students in Aurora
ATEACHER Partylist nominee Virginia Rodriguez spearheaded the distribution of rice, water, and relief goods to underprivileged families, farmers, teachers, and students in Maria Aurora, Aurora Province, as part of her ongoing commitment to supporting the marginalized Filipino population.
“My mission is to assist those who are overlooked by the ugovernment. This initiative provides significant support, as these individuals are in dire need of food and belong to the most impoverished communities,” she stated.
She is assisted by Maria Aurora Mayor Ariel S.Bitong in distributing rice, bottles of mineral waters, and good pacts to the beneficiaries of thef program.
She said that one of the most straightforward ways to help fight poverty in our community is to donate funds, provide livelihood projects to farmers and families to end these economic disparities.
The ATEACHER party list, the choice of the majority of the less unfortunate people to represent them in Congress, is pushing to provide funds toward fixing housing inequalities, education gaps, food insecurities and more.
“ This is a big help since these people really need education, jobs and food. They’re among the poorest of the poor,” Rodriguez added.
With the help of local leaders in Aurora, Rodriguez likewise conducted Livelihood Programs to focus on building partnerships, empowering individuals, and promoting stakeholder accountability to help build self-reliant and sustainable communities.
Through these initiatives, the ATEACHER party list is espousing the view that the project is more than just an advocacy but in fact a partner for development.
Projects implemented under the Livelihood Program includes hair dressing, farming and other agroforestry practices, to establishing cooperatives to small-scale trading.