In next year’s (2025) midterm elections come May 12, we will again march to the polls to elect 12 Senators, 63 Party-List Representatives, 254 Members of the House of Representatives, 82 Governors, 82 Vice Governors, 800 Provincial Board Members, 149 City Mayors, 149 City Vice Mayors, 1,690 City Councilors, 1,493 Municipal Mayors, 1,493 Municipal Vice Mayors, 11,948 Municipal Councilors, 25 BARMM Members of Parliament, and 40 BARMM Party Representatives for a total of 18,280 government posts. But considering this immense volume of new and returning government officials, one may ask — “what makes a true public servant?
Since Public Service is about the “OPEN-HANDEDNESS” of elected officials to commit oneself to serve the people. Allow me to use as analogy “the fingers” of our hands as symbolic illustration to the traits needed in a public servant:
The MIDDLE FINGER is the central and tallest finger in the hand. As the symbol of Authority, it may Positively (Right Hand) mean a “Servant Leader,” one who is there to serve and not to be served. However, it may also Negatively (Left Hand) mean a Domineering and Dictator type of leader who is simply in Public Office for the benefit of himself and his/her Family Dynasty.
The RING FINGER can be allegorically considered as the richest finger in the hand because rings made in gold or silver is placed in it. Positively (Right Hand) it is the symbol of Commitment & Dedication. A good candidate must be willing to commit and sacrifice one’s time, treasure & talent for the sake of his public position. However, negatively (Left Hand) it may also symbolize Graft and Corruption. Candidates with records of Graft and Corruption must never have a place in Government Service.
The POINTER FINGER is usually the finger used to command or direct a person. Positively (Right Hand) it may symbolize the trait of being able to direct or guide one’s public office according to personal competencies and experiences. However, negatively (Left Hand) it may also mean a person who is simply good at commanding others but not the “Hands-On” type of public servant.
The THUMB is the most distant & isolated finger in the hand. And seems to be far from the rest of the Fingers. Positively (Right Hand) it may symbolize the trait of being secluded or free from doing what is politically expedient at the expense of the “common good”. However, it may also negatively (Left hand) mean being insensitive from the needs of the people.
The LITTLE FINGER is the smallest of all fingers in the hand. And is somewhat symbolically considered as the most negligible among the rest of the fingers. Positively (Right Hand) this would symbolize candidates that protect and care for those who are little or weak in society — the socially outcast. While, negatively (Left Hand) it may symbolize those candidates who exploit and malign the poor and weak. They are those who profess they are “MAKA-MASA” but do not do anything to alleviate the condition of those we consider socially outcast.
“We are not simply talking about ensuring nourishment or a ‘dignified sustenance’ for all people, but also their ‘general temporal welfare and prosperity’… This means education, access to health care, and above all employment, for it is through free, creative, participatory and mutually supportive labor that human beings express and enhance the dignity of their lives” (Pope Francis.) We cannot throw money at the problem of poverty and inequality, according to Pope Francis. Delivering basic services and employment are necessary in bridging the equality gap and upholding people’s pride and dignity. Our Public Servants should take note of this the next time they go to poor areas and give out sacks of rice.
Finally, when the fingers of our hands are joined together in prayer; we seek God’s grace and blessing for newly elected leaders through this simple prayer:
“Father we lift up the leaders of our country and all those that You have set up in places of authority to rule and govern our nation; and we pray that they would rule our land and the many public institutions with wisdom and integrity. We pray that each one would carry out their various responsibilities with honesty and for the benefit of the nation. Clothe each one with righteousness and justice – and we pray that all selfish ambitions would be laid aside and that Your plans and purposes are fulfilled for the well-being of all Filipinos. May Your ways be known in our country and Your name be lifted up in the corridors of power – and guide our country we pray into the ways of peace, justice and truth – this we ask in Jesus name, Amen.”
For any personal comments or suggestions, you may call 0917-4805585 or email me at [email protected].