46 wanted men in Cordillera fall
CORDILLERA Police Regional Office director Brig. Gen. Ronald Lee yesterday announced the arrest of 46 wanted persons in the region, most of them wanted for heinous crimes like rape, and drugs.
In a report to Philippine National Police chief Gen. Guillermo Lorenzo Eleazar, the Cordillera police director said that 44 of the wanted men were arrested in manhunt operations conducted from June 6-12.
Lee said the Benguet Police Provincial Office made the biggest number of arrest, with 18; followed by the Baguio City Police Office, with 14; the Ifugao PPO, with 8; the Mountain Province PPO, with 2; and the Apayao and Kalinga PPOs, with 1 arrest each.
The official said that seven of the suspects are included in the regional police’s most wanted persons’ list while three are in the provincial level list.
Another three suspects are most wanted in the municipal level while one is in the station level most wanted list.
Lee said that suspect Julian Lacbao, the 2nd most wanted man in La Trinidad, Benguet, was arrested on the strength of a warrant for rape, with no bail recommended.
Another suspect , Lawrence Tuwao, the 3rd most wanted in Hingyon, Ifugao, is also the subject of a warrant for rape.
The third identified as Grace Carbonilla, the 4th most wanted in Tuba, Benguet, was arrested on the basis of a warrant for estafa, with a P400,000 recommended bail.
The other most wanted in the municipal level list were Daniel Gano, the no. 1 most wanted in La Trinidad, Benguet, where he is facing a non-bailable rape case; Ereneo Pasule, the 2nd most wanted in La Trinidad, where he has been charged for women and child abuse; and George Paragas, the 4th most wanted in the same municipality, where a warrant for his arrest for acts of lasciviousness in relation to the Anti-Child Abuse Law was filed against him.